Membership Benefits

  • Membership Benefits

    Although not incorporated until 2003, the NZ Specialist Cheesemakers as a group had been communicating and acting as an informal Association for around 20 years prior to this. Apart from technical cooperation, this forerunner also spent much of its energy in an advocacy role. Enjoying over 95% of NZ Cheese companies as members, the NZSCA is a strong and active alliance for the NZ cheese industry.

    Membership Benefits

    – Provides a facility and mechanism to contribute to formal submissions made by the NZSCA to Government and other organisations- Allows access to a Code of Practice for NZ Cheese companies
    – Presents numerous publicity opportunities throughout the year
    – Allows participation in NZ Cheese Month which is celebrated in October every year. Companies that embrace this promotional initiative report significant sales increases
    – Provides a discounted cheese entry price to the annual NZ Champions of Cheese Awards held in March each year
    – Allows free exhibition space and participation in the biennial public cheese event – CheeseFest
    – Facilitates the consultation and discussion with fellow NZSCA members on all aspects of NZ cheese manufacture and marketing
    – Provides five free issues of the NZSCA newsletter ‘CheeseMatters’ which keeps members up to date with the local specialty cheese scene
    – Provides free editorial opportunity in the CheeseMatters newsletter and the NZSCA Facebook page